kitchen tips

  • line of bottom of your refrigerator’s crisper drawer with paper towel. they will absorb the excess moisture that cause veggies to rot.
  • don’t  throe away sparkling wine or  champagne that’s  gone flat. restore the bubbles by dropping a raisin or two into the bottle. the natural sugars will work magic.
  • if you need few drop of lemon juice do not cut whole lemon to avoid drying just puncture a fruit with a metal skewer and squeeze out exactly you need.
  • to keep coriander fresh chopped it and store it in airtight box with tissue paper
  • avoid separating banana until you plan to eat.they will spoil less quickly in bunch

updates on social media campaign april 4th

my campaign is going well so far. I thought it will be hard at the beginning because it seems lots for four weeks content to post and I never use Facebook this much before so I wasn’t that comfortable with using all social media for campaign  but as I started it become easy.

And  I must say hoot suite is very helpful to schedule is fun to auto schedule post but at the beginning it was little difficult for me to post at decided time but afterwards I have learn and comfortable with hoot suite.

Apart from hoot suite, world press is also useful but I am finding difficulty to auto schedule my blog so I just use it when I want to blog right a way. at last I will say it was hard and difficult at some point but as we go with and try it become fun and interesting and I actually learn lots new things from this campaign.

Recipe for Sweet balls(gulab jamun)

  Gulab jamun is a famous sweet dish of india which is also known as Sweet balls internationally

Ingredients :1 cup milk powder, 3 table spoon all purpose flour, 2 tablespoon ghee(clarified butter),half teaspoon baking powder, half cup warm milk, chopped nuts half spoon for garnishing, vegetable oil to fry, 12 cup white sugar,7 fluid ounces water

Direction : take a big bowl, stir milk powder,flour,baking powder together stir in nuts. mix in melted ghee and pour milk and continue to mix until it will well blended and keep it on side for 20 minutes.

in a large skillet stir the sugar and water together. bring to a boil and simmer for just a minute and set a side

take a large frying pan heat vegetable oil for 5 minutes.knead the dough and form into about 20 small balls. reduce the heat to low and put jamun for fry when it will start floating than increase heat. fry all balls until its golden brown. than take it out from oil and soak it in sugar syrup for 2 hours and serve fresh. this is a famous desert of india.


  1. if you eat eggs you should know if it fresh or not , you probably wondering how it works, yes there is some science behind it egg shells are porous and allow air to slowly get in over time , as more air enters the eggs it gets lighter and lighter which explain why it eventually float

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About


2)it is hard for you to peel garlic and don’t like smell on hand? i will give you fun Technic to peel it easy way take a ceramic bowl put a garlic  put another bowl on garlic, smash, shake and separate to avoid smell of garlic  on hands

3) reheat your pasta and rice in donuts shape it will reheat more evenly.keep your ice cream box in zipper bag to avoid icing in ice cream

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About

Different food and its importance

Food is an essential part of our life. whatever activities, business, earning everything we do is just to get food. each country have their specialty food And its always interesting to get to know about different recipe. India is one of the country which is famous for its food. each state of India have its specialty food. Filipino  is famous for chicken afritada. USA is famous for fried chicken, french is famous for Putin etc . there are different type of food in the world but its up to you that what kind you choose and your health is also depend on your food habit some people are crazy about food they don’t even count for their total calories and fat intake in a day and they have to face health problem in long term in same way people who wants to lose weight and stop taking food for that will affect adversely on health. so food is important in perfect combination and quantity. so think  before  you eat excess and before stop eating.

Kitchen Tips

Is it hard for you to clean your kitchen ? is it taking too much time? than this trick. may help you better with it

Clean organized and hygienic kitchen is a first step to stay healthy. but now a days everyone is so busy so its hard to spend much  time in cleaning so today i will give you some easy tips to keep your kitchen and kitchen equipment clean and organized.

  1. To clean your  sink simply sprinkle baking soda in wet sink leave it for 5 min and wash it with soft sponge. baking soda will clean your sink softly without scratching stainless steel
  2. To clean sticky dirty microwave in a easy way. take microwave proof bowl fill it half water and add lemon slices to water heat it in microwave for 8 to 10 minute and leave it for 5 minute after that remove bowl and clean microwave with soft cloth it will clean all oil easily  and also remove bad smell.
  3. To remove bad smell from fridge leave a bowl of oats out on your fridge this will suck in bad smell you can also use charcoal or  instead of oats.

i hope this tips will help you to keep your kitchen more fresh for you. wait for next week  to find tips for arrangement.


Became a brand fan


when I was came to Canada as a vegetarian subway was the first place where I can get fresh vegetarian sandwich. and in Canada subway was the first place where I was is the place for all to be honest it was boring for me to eat this much raw vegetables in my country because I love spicy cook vegetables only. when I was working there I was getting free subs but I wasn’t like to eat sub so I used to gave it to my friend and now when I am not working there and have to pay for sub then also I like to have sub so often. I like the eat fresh concept and their service too. now I am excited  to  visit subway in my country as well to see what kind of variety they have there.

day with digital media

Today i woke up at 6 am and check weather first and then check my facebook                             which connect me with my friends and family when i am far from them. i look at                    news and new events in world by using  digital media. i use twitter, watsup, yahoo                    mail during whole day to be in connected with world. when i was in India digital                        media was not that much important to me but after coming canada it become a                        part of my life and now i think now it will be difficult for me to spend even a  day                      without digital media.